Fav food

Hi everyone!, today I'm going to talk to you about my favourite food, which is hamburgers. It's probably not real food, but I really love them, and even more so when they come with fries. It may sound grotesque but I'm not ashamed to admit that I like junk food, because I eat it in a controlled way and only on special occasions. I like supermarket burgers, Mc'donalds plastic burgers, although Burger King's are better. My favourite place in Santiago, where I recommend you to go, makes my favourite burger. It's a very rare burger, with flower sugar on top that draws a Pokeball of Pokemon. It's a bit sappy, but I like the atmosphere of the place and how unexpected it is to eat a sweet burger. Inside it brings onion rings and conventional things from a traditional hamburger. This place is called Insert Coin Bar, and they are in Ñuñoa and in Providencia. It's a nice place to go with friends, because besides eating and drinking, you can play video games, it's a lot of fun! Let me know in the comments if you have ever been to this place, if you like hamburgers too, or if you would like to try a sweet hamburger haha! Thanks for reading :-)


  1. jajajaj I love your sincerity, thanks for the fact!

  2. that's crazy the sweet burger, someday I'm going there to eat it.

  3. I would also like to go to the Insert Coin Bar, I have heard very good comments and I love burgers.

  4. wow that's an interesting burger, definetely i wanna go to the insert coin bar to try one and play some games

  5. hahaha had no idea that sweet burgers existed, I will take into account the place you recommended to go when the pandemic is over


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