
Future Job

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new post on my blog.   Today I will talk about my future work and what I want to do. I am currently in my second year of architecture, and I really like this career. Although it's a bit hard sometimes, I think I can handle it and also the friendships I've made have helped me a lot. Perhaps like everyone else, I'd like to work in my own architecture office, although I'd also like to teach, and be a teacher of the history of architecture, as I really like the theoretical part of the degree.I am very interested in the restoration and conservation of architectural heritage, so I would like to dedicate myself to that too. To choose my job, I look for a good working environment, where I am respected and my work is valued, and also where I can actively participate and make decisions. If I were asked about my strengths in an interview, I would answer that I am a very responsible and proactive person, I can stand criticism very well and I solve p

I became what I swore to destroy

Hello everyone, today's blog will be about the music I like. With the quarantine my musical tastes have changed. I used to like Argentine rock, or music from the 80s. Unfortunately I think I listened so much to that kind of music that I got a little bored. What I mean is that my tastes have changed a lot in the last weeks, I think because I have had to stay up late and the music I used to listen to was a bit boring or slow. For this, I started to listen to more lively music and that's how I met Bad Bunny. I resisted for a long time to listen to this kind of music but now I don't know. The songs are very catchy and the melodies are easy to listen to, you don't have to think too much. Besides, Benito, which is Bad Bunny's real name, has an incredible style and it's because of his way of dressing that he's also a trendsetter. I hope that I won't get bored soon, because I keep discovering many good songs. If you like Bad Bunny, tell me your favourite song

Fav food

Hi everyone!, today I'm going to talk to you about my favourite food, which is hamburgers. It's probably not real food, but I really love them, and even more so when they come with fries. It may sound grotesque but I'm not ashamed to admit that I like junk food, because I eat it in a controlled way and only on special occasions. I like supermarket burgers, Mc'donalds plastic burgers, although Burger King's are better. My favourite place in Santiago, where I recommend you to go, makes my favourite burger. It's a very rare burger, with flower sugar on top that draws a Pokeball of Pokemon. It's a bit sappy, but I like the atmosphere of the place and how unexpected it is to eat a sweet burger. Inside it brings onion rings and conventional things from a traditional hamburger. This place is called Insert Coin Bar , and they are in Ñuñoa and in Providencia. It's a nice place to go with friends, because besides eating and drinking, you can play video games,

October 25th in a waiting room

Welcome to my second post! today I'm going to tell you how I lived October 25th, the day of the plebiscite in Chile. Unfortunately, I could not go to vote that day, because I had to travel urgently from Curicó, my voting place, to Santiago. This because my mother got sick over the weekend, and we quickly took her to a clinic in Santiago. It was a very difficult day inside a waiting room. There was a TV in the clinic where I watched the news of the voting, it made me very happy to see that people had their options defined, and that many people went to vote. Fortunately my mom is well today, and at the end of that day I was able to listen from my apartment in downtown Santiago to the celebrations of the victory of the Apruebo. The day started off badly, but at the end of the day I was happy with my mom.   If u went to Plaza Italia that day, stayed home, or celebrated in any way, let me know in the comments! :-)

Tango, cathedrals and a long distance relationship

Hey everyone! I will start my new blog by talking to you about a place I want to travel to after the pandemic, and that is Argentina.  Although it is not a very attractive place, I like how simple life is there. My boyfriend is from Argentina, and I haven't seen him since March, when the quarantine started in Chile. We usually spend holidays and festivities together, like New Year. My boyfriend's family lives on a beautiful beach near Mar del Plata, and watching the fireworks in the sea is an unforgettable experience. The rest of the year, we meet during holidays and I visit him in the city where he studies, which is La Plata. I really like that city, because it has a very particular architecture, the streets are diagonal, it has many cathedrals, and there are many breweries.   Although it is difficult to have a long-distance relationship, even more so now in a pandemic, it can bring you unforgettable experiences and value every moment. Let me know in the comments if you have